Delivering Peace of Mind


Seven months ago, when we first talked on Skype, I emphasized the issue of trust. I can say today that you honored 100% of what you said that day

“I could write many lines to express what I feel today, but I do not want to bore you with my feelings.

Instead, I want to express my gratitude to you and your team, not only for your professionalism but for your kindness and personal attention. Seven months ago, when we first talked on Skype, I emphasized the issue of trust. I can say today that you honored 100% of what you said that day and besides being extremely happy with the outcome, I am very pleased to have gotten to know someone like you.

Thank you so much Stephen!”

Gustavo Cavaliere, Managing Director, Blue Dragonfly Corp.

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Without your perseverance, tremendous knowledge of Hong Kong’s immigration and visa laws on top of your single mindedness, support and dedication I doubt very well I could have achieved my visa with the aid of any other company

“Dear Stephen,

I just wanted to thank you and the rest of your team on your thorough professionalism in assisting with the arrangement of my Hong Kong visa.

Without your perseverance, tremendous knowledge of Hong Kong’s immigration and visa laws on top of your single mindedness, support and dedication I doubt very well I could have achieved my visa with the aid of any other company.

As you know, I am not new to the process of applying for visas having done so previously in my efforts to expand my business into the emerging markets of other countries.

That said, this has been by far and away the most stress free and smooth process yet.

Having dealt with other immigration providers in South East Asia you’re leagues ahead of the rest in all attributes needed to run a successful visa company; they could learn much from you.

The provision of your customer service and support was prompt and first class all the way.

Nothing was ever too much bother particularly so with the many questions and/or queries I posed.

Doing business in today’s world often leaves one wanting for courteous assistance, patience and understanding yet I found all that and more dealing with you Stephen.

So hats off and thanks a million”

Neil Jolly, Managing Director, Classic Equine Ltd

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