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More than 20 years in the business of Hong Kong immigration and this is the first time I can remember this question ever being raised. So, now you know how to go about HIV Health Checks Hong Kong Visa Application!

Hong Kong Visa Application


Hi Stephen,

I do not see this issue addressed on your web site (which, by the way, is fantastic).

What are the medical requirements for a Canadian citizen applying for a Hong Kong work visa (sponsored through current employer)? 

Does Hong Kong require HIV testing or other testing, and if so, can those tests be done in the home country?  How will the immigration authorities treat an applicant who is HIV+?



Interestingly, unlike most other first world jurisdictions, Hong Kong doesn’t actually have any requirement for health status cheques as part and parcel of the Hong Kong immigration process that covers every single aspect of Hong Kong immigration, from visitor visas through to temporary residence visas, all the way up to, indeed the Right of Abode and becoming permanent residents.

So in relation to your health status, when you make an application, the entire process is silent as to health, so it doesn’t appear in the equation. So don’t have any concerns about the status of your health in any way impinging your ability to become a contributing member to Hong Kong society.

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The Hong Kong Visa Geeza (a.k.a Stephen Barnes) is a co-founder of the Hong Kong Visa Centre and author of the Hong Kong Visa Handbook. A law graduate of the London School of Economics, Stephen has been practicing Hong Kong immigration since 1993 and is widely acknowledged as the leading authority on business immigration matters here for the last 24 years.

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