I Know The Immigration Department Website Is A Black Hole For Denied Hong Kong Visa Applicants So How Can I Appeal A Decision?
Posted in Hadley Says…, Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /
So, your Hong Kong visa application has been refused, no matter the type – and the letter you received from the Immigration Department says nothing about opportunities to appeal.
So you go to the Hong Kong ID website.
But shock, horror, even that is silent – so what can you do now?
Certain types of cases with the Hong Kong Immigration Department can be sent to the Immigration Appeals Tribunal.
But most residence applications, including investment visas, employment visas, dependant visas, capital investment entrant scheme visas and refusals under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme have no formal recourse to the Tribunal.
Instead, you have to make an application for a Reconsideration of your denied application or otherwise apply for the Review of a Decision of a Public Officer under s.53 of the Immigration Ordinance.
Alternatively, if a wholly new set of facts are present now since your application was refused you can make a completely new application – or try again on the original application if a reasonable amount of time has passed – say, at least 6 months.
However, you need to be completely realistic. If the Hong Kong Immigration Department deny you a visa three times in succession you’re going to have to face the reality that your chances of securing residency in the HKSAR are very slim indeed – and maybe it’s time to start packing your bags.
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