Case Refusal

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics

Your Questions Answered

My Girlfriend Is In Detention Prior to Removal – If I Marry Her Will She Be Able To Get A Dependant Visa?

May 27th, 2024

Posted in Family Visas, Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

This is a sad situation for a couple who find themselves in a maelstrom of immigration difficulties caused by a less than sensible choice some time previously. QUESTION I am a permanent resident in Hong Kong and am planning to marry my girlfriend. My girlfriend is in detention prior to removal. She’s from the Philippines. […]


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What Chance Is There That ImmD Will Grant A Visa To A Foreign National Who Previously Overstayed In Hong Kong By Five-And-A-Half Years?

May 9th, 2024

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered /

Overstayed in Hong Kong for a very long time previously…? Great question this, not so much because the answer is mostly quite obvious, but because it gives me a chance to have a discussion about overstaying generally. QUESTION I was looking for a male helper and found a suitable one for our family. However, he […]


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Is It Ever OK To Work Full Time In Hong Kong Without An Employment Visa – For The Hong Kong Subsidiary Of An Overseas Company?

April 4th, 2024

Posted in Employment Visas, Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Work full time in Hong Kong without an employment visa ? This is a bit of a hoary old chestnut this question but a really important one nonetheless so I am grateful to the questioner for posing it. QUESTION Hi there, My Hong Kong employment visa application has just been refused. My company who are […]


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Hong Kong Visa Application Denial – Overcoming Failure: Reconsideration, Appeals, and Strategies

October 3rd, 2023

Posted in Feature Article, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

A Hong Kong visa application denial is disappointing and can occur for numerous reasons. In this post,  I will explore several avenues to pursue following an application denial and provide actionable advice to maximize success in getting that denial overturned or positively reconsidered. Reasons for Application Denial An application can be denied for various reasons, […]

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Your Questions Answered

What Can be Said to Constitute ‘Ordinary Residence’ for the Purposes of a Hong Kong Right of Abode Application?

July 4th, 2022

Posted in Long Stay & PR, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

This post was first published on December 9, 2012. The question of what constitutes ‘ordinary residence’ in the determination of a Hong Kong right of abode application for a 7 year foreign national resident, can, ultimately, only be settled by the Court. The Hong Kong Immigration Department have their own means of assessing whether an […]


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My Hong Kong Visa Application Was Closed by ImmD After Correspondence Was Lost – What Happens Now?

July 2nd, 2022

Posted in Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Sometimes, correspondence gets lost and ImmD might close an application believing it has been abandoned when they hear nothing further from an applicant. Meanwhile, the applicant is on tenterhooks awaiting the outcome. What can you do to rectify this ultimate disconnect? QUESTION The company that is sponsoring me applied for an employment visa for me […]


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Will A Domestic Dispute With Police Attending Compromise Your Present or Future Hong Kong Immigration Status?

December 27th, 2021

Posted in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Never has this question has been posed in this way previously so I am grateful to receive it… QUESTION Great website! I hope this reaches you well. I’m writing on behalf of my partner, who has been in Hong Kong for over 6 years. He’s coming up to his 7th year of continuous residency, and […]


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Will the Immigration Department Extend My Employment Visa if I Am Subject to a Police Investigation?

June 14th, 2021

Posted in Employment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

How do the Hong Kong Immigration Department consider the likely impact of possible criminal charges on a foreign national temporary resident and his or her ability to remain here pending the outcome of the processes leading to a determination as to whether or not to press charges? Here follows a question-answer dialogue I had by […]

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What Will the Immigration Department Make of a Third Party Objection to An Application for a Hong Kong Investment Visa?

August 28th, 2020

Posted in Investment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Objection to an application for a Hong Kong investment visa? Revenge is a dish best eaten cold, as they say. So, can an application for a Hong Kong investment visa be negatively impacted by the fact of a debt outstanding to a disgruntled creditor – or can it at least be used as a point […]


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Must Read: True Story of a Deluded Foreign National Trying to Sue His Way to a Hong Kong Employment Visa

April 16th, 2019

Posted in Musing, Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

First Published August 27, 2012 Note: I am presently fully engaged on the launch of Hong Kong Visa Sherpa so time’s a bit tight to publish new content on this website for the moment. Consequently I am surfacing some interesting posts from down the years, giving them a lick of paint and showing them the […]

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